Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dara's Wedding

How much fun did we have at Dara and Doug's wedding? It was so great to see everybody there - I know Dara must have been so happy that so many people came! Goodness knows she has been there for all of us! I can't get over how many of you have NOT changed a bit - I mean, it's been 10 years since I graduated and y'all look like you did back in '98!!! Why am I the only one with baby weight??? I am starting with a personal trainer on Tuesday - I will post a "new me" pic when I get skinny - but don't hold your breath. You may see a post of me passed out from excercise first :)
I hope to see all of you very soon! I am going to look at baby Wallace while I have a free minute!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Busy bees!

Well, I had decided that I was a once-a-month blog updater and now I am about 6 weeks out... as summer is slowly coming to an end, school has started back for Morgan and so we are now on more of a routine schedule - my calendar seems busier than ever with appointments and events and everything in between! Of course I wouldn't have it any other way - and Barret is hanging in there quite well!
Morgan turned 4 in July and started her 4-year old day school, and Barret is 3 months old weighing in at about 17 pounds! He is belly-laughing out loud and rolling over - and he scoots if he is on the floor on his tummy. I just can't seem to get enough of that sweet gummy smile. We are waiting on proofs for pictures we had taken last weekend - I just can't wait to see them! Barret did wonderful - and his sister did not - but I think the pics are going to be awesome anyway.
I have started back to the gym for 3 weeks now - going 4-5 days a week. Hopefully this baby weight will decide to disappear and NEVER return. I am sure those McDonalds dollar double cheeseburgers that I ate so many of during my pregnancy didn't contribute to this innertube around my waist. Goodbye little burgers - you have been replaced with a salad - boo hoo.
Speaking of yummy food, we are anxiously awaiting football season and cooler weather. We have missed playing outside and seeing our friends every day because of this heat - hopefully it will subside and we can get back out. Morgan has introduced Barret to the cowbell - and by the way, he doesn't sleep through the noise it makes.
Morgan has a new hairdo thanks to those scissors Emi bought her at Wal-Mart last weekend. I knew as soon as I gave them to her and turned my back that she was going to cut her hair. She told me that Misty (our hairdresser) cut her hair not straight. Yeah, and that hair all over the kitchen bench and floor just fell out of your head. No big deal - I guess all kids cut their hair at some point - it's not too bad.
Morgan has a new favorite movie - The Parent Trap. A girl after her mama's heart. And it's the old version too. She just can't figure out why the mom and dad don't live together. Way too observant for a 4 year old. We've taken our friends the Holliday's advice about Blockbuster Wednesdays rent 1, get 1 free - so for a whopping $1.06 we can get 2 movies (not new releases of course) so this week we got Peter Pan and Parent Trap. I went without Morgan so who knows what we'll come home with next week but who cares - it's fun and cheap and gives us something new to watch. And you get to keep them for 5 days. What a deal. And Dominoes had $3.99 pizzas this past Wednesday so for 5 bucks we got 2 movies and a pizza. Who says we are in an economic crisis. Back to reality - wake up - we just had to ride our bikes to go get them - hahahaha. I put $70 gas in my car yesterday and it still didn't fill it up - and gas is way down from what it has been! Gosh I love my car. Thank goodness for that company car. And for Alimentum. For only $10 a day Barret is the happiest baby on the block. He will be happy to know that I can feed him filet and lobster (for less than formula) when he can eat table food :) That colic's a killer. But the formula is worth the price not to have a screaming baby!
I will stop rambling and get on to mopping my floors... procrastination. Gotta love it. TTFN!