Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello to all!!! Sorry it's been a while since the last post - we have just been rolling right along without much stopping around here. The spring weather has really gotten us up and moving - and now Morgan expects a fun activity daily. Seems like we've been nonstop playdating, bowling, schooling, playgrounding, cooking out, circusing, birthday partying, festivaling.... the list goes on.
And much to my disappointment at 36 weeks of pregnancy my doctor tells me Friday that all is well (thankfully!) with little Barret but he is showing no signs of being ready to face this world yet. The past few weeks with his big sis may have him a little worried - I hope he doesn't decide that he just likes where he is just fine because it does seem that he has settled in quite well.
The nursery is coming along great - I will pick up my monogrammed cornice fabric today and hopefully get that finished and hung on the window. We are quickly losing space around here as we have revealed the aquarium swing, travel swing, bassinet, bouncy seat, high chair, infant carrier, exersaucer, baby tub.... boy, where is that extra space we built in this house??? I think the heat outside is causing some major shrinkage! Morgan is having fun with it - Annabelle is all tucked in the bouncy, Hannah Montana is swinging, Ballerina Barbie is swinging next to her in the travel version, and Gracie is on the playmat. Fine with me as long as I can keep HER out of them!
Morgan started complaining of her ear hurting badly on Saturday and come to find out her eardrum had been perforated (burst) and her doctor also thinks she has an infection on the outer ear as well. The pain bothers her to the touch and there is a clear liquid that is literally dripping from her ear but things seem a little better this morning - hopefully the drops and antibiotics will knock this out quickly. I kept her home from school because I don't think they could keep up with the dripping!
Hope you all have a wonderful week - we'll keep rolling and keep you all posted of anything new!

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